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Showing posts from January, 2024

CR-2032 Batteries- Where are they used

 Batteries, CR2032. What is CR2032 (also written CR-2032)? CR2032 is a non rechargeable 3V lithium battery which is used in many electronic devices. It resembles a coin and hence it is also called a coin cell or coin battery.  A Panasonic CR2032 cell What are it's main applications and lifetime in each cases? 1. Car keyfobs . (Lifetime - Normally works for several years, 3-8 years) 2. Apple Airtag. (Lifetime - 1 to 1.5 years) 3. Temperature and humidity sensors. (Around 1-2 years) 4. Toys.(Will run out very soon 😜) 5. Smart home sensors. 6. Calculators. 7. Remote controls for garages etc.

Linux - How to find all the files that contains a given string

Linux - Find all files that contains a given string. In order to find all the files that contains a given string, we can make use of several commands. One of the simplest option is to use the grep command. grep -R '/path/to/theFiles/' -e 'pattern-to-search' With this execution, grep will go through all the files in the provided location recursively(since we gave -R option) and look for the string-pattern to look for. Then, it will provide a list of files that contains our given string-pattern. 

Viewing visio files using

 Viewing visio files using If you do not have Microsoft visio installed on your windows machine, you still can open and view visio diagram files. We can make use of . The web app does not support viewing the visio files. You can download the windows app from their website. You can visit and download the application. Once you install it , you can import a visio file into it like any other diagram/image file. I hope this info is helpful in some situations.

Working with Windows NET services from windows command line

Deleting a windows service  Deleting a windows service from the command line is a two step process.  In the first step, we have to query& stop the service with the actual name of the service. Open the services (services.msc) and identify the name of the service that you want to delete. An example name is shown in the image given below.   Otherwise the service can be queried from the command line.    sc query | find [Service-name-to-be-deleted]    Now, run the below command to stop the service.  sc stop [Service-name-to-be-deleted]   Now , in the second step, delete the service. Execute the below command.  sc delete [Service-name-to-be-deleted]  Done, the service list maybe refreshed only after a system restart. 🚀