Linux commands - Network related This write up is a collection of some of the most commonly used linux commands used in the network related work. This is a short note and not a complete reference. 1. ifconfig / ip This command is used to find the network IP related information of the server. 'ip' is the latest update or the current command to be used on the latest version of the OS. 2. ping destination_host This is used to ping the destination server. Bacially, it will simply check the connection to the target. You can interrupt the command with 'ctrl+c'. 3. telnet host port This command is used to connect to a specific port on the destination server. This works better than the ping command as this will attemp to connect to the specified port. You can interrupt the command with 'ctrl+c'. In some cases, when 'crtl+c' is not closing the telnet session, please use 'ctrl+]' and then enter 'close'. 4. nslookup This is the shor...
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